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The Ultimate Guide to Digital Dating Etiquette (Without the Tears)

The Ultimate Guide to Digital Dating Etiquette (Without the Tears)

Let’s face it, digital dating can be a rollercoaster. On one hand, it opens doors to exciting connections you might never have stumbled upon, like the banker who’s just transferred from the heights of Manhattan to the streets of London or the fit, twenty-something PT, who spends more time outdoors than he does in your local pub. On the other hand, navigating the world of swipes and profiles can feel…well, awkward.

But fear not, fellow love seekers! Before you throw in the towel (or your phone), here’s a quick guide to digital dating etiquette that will have you swiping with confidence (and maybe even a few laughs).

First Impressions Matter (But Not That Much)

We’ve all seen the bios listing height as the sole selling point. Spoiler alert: it’s not a winning strategy. Instead, showcase your personality! Are you a whiz in the kitchen or a spontaneous adventurer? Can you stand on your head for four minutes, or did you win a battle with a great white? Let your quirky side shine through. P.S. Skip the tired clichés and Myers-Briggs types – nobody needs that kind of pressure on a first date.


Respect the Swipe (and the Exit)

Ghosting may be tempting, but it’s never cool. If you’re not feeling a connection (yes, we’re talking to you, Brad; you were overly into it on Sunday evening, and now you’ve had a change of heart), send a polite message. It takes two seconds and saves everyone the heartache. This avoids also their urge to stalk you on Instagram, which, by the way, is a big no-no. You’d never ghost someone you meet in real life, so please don’t do it on the Internet. We hope you wouldn’t anyway unless, of course, they have the worst taste in sneakers or like to sing while on the treadmill. Then please, ghost away!

Less Brag, More Charm

Gym selfies are great, but save them for your close friends. You want to spark conversation, not come across as overly vain. A headless torso with the caption ‘I like to lift’ gives us zero insight into your personality. And those shopping list bios? Just No! Not your best look.

You’re searching for love, not placing an order for a skinny macchiato with a shot of hazelnut syrup at your local deli. Avoid the shopping list-style snippets at all costs: ‘I don’t like girls who don’t work out’. ‘If reality TV wins over reading, swipe left’. And if you haven’t seen Game of Thrones, we won’t get on’. They’re downright arrogant, entitled, and unflattering. You probably think the reason you’re still single is because you have high standards. Actually, it’s because you’re an schmuck.


Quality Over Quantity

Serial daters, listen up! Signing up for a dating app doesn’t mean you’ve signed into a tournament with the sole goal of winning the most matches. Dating isn’t about scoring imaginary internet points, instead, invest that energy into honing your bio and crafting a decent opening message. This will give you the best shot with the matches you’re actually interested in.

Keep it Playful, Not Pushy

Liking someone’s post, we know, we know, it’s a nice gesture, but don’t become a ‘reply guy.’ Constant commenting screams desperation, not flirtation. Likewise, ‘deep liking’ is more creepy than cute. Yes, you’ve hit it off enough to swap Instagram handles, but did you really need to go and like a post from 2020? This over-eagerness isn’t attractive, and there are only two things to do here: own it and make a joke of it (he or she may see the funny side), or delete your account and move countries.

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Stop the Stalking

Tindstagramming – instead of swiping right on Tinder, you proceed to stalk a potential match on Instagram! Please avoid this at all costs! Your potential match has taken the time to build a profile on a dating app for a reason, not because they want you to stalk their socials. If you haven’t matched with them in the place they’re actively looking for hookups, then sorry, they’re not that into you.

Be Kind, Be Courteous, Be Gone

Breadcrumbing – stringing someone along with occasional messages – is the ultimate dating faux pas. If they’re not the cherry to your cake, the bread to your butter, or the glass to your preferred vintage Chablis, let them know! Honesty is always the best policy, and it frees you to find the real deal.

So there you have it! With a bit of self-awareness and a dash of humour, you can navigate the digital dating world like a pro (or run for the hills), we’ll leave that for you to decide. Happy swiping!

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