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Mother’s Day This Year Will Be Amazing With These Tips

Mother’s Day This Year Will Be Amazing With These Tips

Mother’s Day is an opportunity to show your mum the appreciation she deserves. While you should remember to appreciate her all year round, it’s time to make an extra effort to celebrate your relationship.

If you’re lucky enough to be close to your mum, it won’t take you long to think of a way to make Mother’s Day special. Unfortunately, not everyone gets on that well with their parent. While the love might be there, differences in opinion and values often stand in the way of developing a deeper connection. But don’t worry; I’ve prepared a list of tips and ideas that can help you both enjoy this Mother’s Day.

Quality Time

Instead of giving your mum an impersonal present and turning Mother’s Day into a tick-box exercise, gift your undivided attention. In the age of smartphones, we tend to stay plugged in and check notifications even while spending time with our loved ones. This Mother’s Day, try to stay away from electronics. Instead, focus on connecting with your mum. Whether it’s by having a conversation without distractions or watching a movie without looking at your phone, stay in the present. Enjoy the moment for what it is.

Mother’s Day Hobbies

Our parents aren’t perfect, and some mothers might be impossible to please. If you’re worried that spending too much time with your mum will lead to a disagreement, invite her to spend a day doing something she loves. Do this even if it’s not your idea of fun. If your mum enjoys keeping active, book a yoga class, and if she loves books, schedule a reading session. When our brain gets its dose of dopamine, we’re less likely to give in to negative emotions. Your mum will appreciate that you take the time to learn about her hobby.

Try Something New

Another thing that can increase dopamine in your system is novelty. One of the best Mother’s Day ideas is to have you and your mum try something you’ve never tried before. It doesn’t have to be anything too extreme as long as it’s a bit challenging and new. For example, you could attend a pottery class, go to an escape room or visit a pet café. Whatever you choose will activate the right chemicals in the brain and make the day both pleasant and unforgettable. Who knows, it might even become a hobby that you and your mum could do together.

An image of two women for Mother's Day. One woman is pointing at the other's nose in an affectionate manner.
Nancy Nguyen

Photo Albums for Mother’s Day

Sentimental or not, reminiscing on older times can be a great way to spend her special day. In fact, according to previous studies, looking at family photo albums can be more relaxing than meditation. It makes sense if you think about it: we only document the most treasured memories, and seeing them triggers a feeling of happiness. So make sure you dig out the photo albums in time for Sunday.

See Also

Spa Day

Being a parent is hard work even after the children are already grown up, so your mum deserves a bit of a break. There’s no better way to show your mum that you appreciate what she’s done for you than booking a spa day. Everyone enjoys being pampered, and it’s a win-win for both of you. It can help you both unwind and take a break from daily problems.

Acts of Service

One of the five love languages is acts of service. It means doing activities that make life easier for the other person. Remind your mum that it’s her day and that she should rest and offer to help out with running errands. Even if she feels uncomfortable with the idea at first, she’ll appreciate it in the end, and you can both relax afterwards without a to-do list hanging over your heads.

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