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Queen Charlotte: The New Bridgerton Show Will Melt Your Heart

Queen Charlotte: The New Bridgerton Show Will Melt Your Heart

Bridgerton has been one of the most-watched TV shows since its debut in 2020. Millions of people have tuned in to the two seasons of the Regency period drama. There is nothing new about period dramas, but with a colourblind cast, it made the show stand out. Queen Charlotte is loosely based on the actual British royal family but entirely fictional. 

Shonda Rhimes explores mental health, interracial relationships, and true love. In Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story, Charlotte has an arranged marriage to King George of England. This is to further Germany and England’s connection.

Is Bridgerton Really Colourblind?

King George’s mother, Princess Augusta (played by Michelle Fairley), inspected Charlotte. After this meeting, Princess Augusta privately discusses Charlotte’s race with her confidantes and the shock of her complexion. Princess Augusta implies that Charlotte’s race was a huge factor in choosing her.

The show also touches on colourism, as Charlotte is perceived as too brown. Princess Augusta famously says, “She is very brown…you did not say she would be that brown. Very brown.” In the show, People of Colour and White people are the two categories that makeup society. This, of course, happened in real life, too, as slavery wasn’t abolished until 1833. The union between King George and Queen Charlotte unifies the two segregated groups. They, therefore, become enormously influential at this time.

Lady Danbury

Lord Danbury has many flaws; for example, he bullies his wife. However, society mistreats him not because of those flaws but because of his skin colour. So, the union of the interracial couple helps him get out of his isolation. Consequently, he and his wife receive the title of Lady and Lord. Also, he starts socialising with other men.

Lady Danbury understands what her husband goes through, and despite hating him, she ensures he gets seen in society. Lady Danbury also understands Charlotte’s influence as a mixed raced woman. For this reason, she gets her to see that her marriage to the royal family can generate change.

Lady Danbury and her husband throw a ball to join the black and white societies. However, the plan faces difficulty as the two sides still need to merge. When the King and Queen unexpectedly attend the ball, everything changes. The importance of the union between Queen Charlotte and King George appears clear when they dance together. Their dance helps the two races finally come together as one.

Colourism in Bridgerton

Colourism is also mentioned when Charlotte is posing for her portrait. In fact, she isn’t happy about how they painted her light Princess Augusta. So, she tells the painter to keep a fair complexion, highlighting how race and colourism intertwine.

The show is good at depicting how love can conquer racism. Finally, society merges as one, which explains why in Season 1 and Season 2, we see an integrated community. This moment helps fans of the show see how society was before the marriage of Queen Charlotte and King George.

Mental Health

The following important issue addressed in Queen Charlotte is George’s mental health. It dramatically affects him, and he wants to hide his true self from his wife. George is so scared of what Charlotte will think, and he pushes her away. He also puts himself through torture to make himself better for her. However, she stands by him when she learns of his mental health.

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The show doesn’t deny that love doesn’t conquer all but can help, and Charlotte is ready to stick with him to the very end. It isn’t easy for the Queen, and we see how frustrated she gets at times with the situation she still will do anything for him to make him feel safe.

The hidden meaning behind why Queen Charlotte wears Georgian fashion is very touching. In fact, she has an outdated fashion style because she wants to make sure her husband understands. This shows how much Queen Charlotte loves King George. The Queen should be ahead of the trend but would rather be unfashionable than confuse her husband.

Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story is a great show that depicts love, mental health, and female empowerment beautifully and touchingly. Shonda showed a softer side to the women we have fallen in love with.

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